SERVPRO of Overland/Cool Valley Event Photos

SERVPRO Shriners Hospitals for Children Golf Tournament
Please come out and join us this year for our 9th annual tournament to benefit this amazing us surpass last years donation of over $31,500!! Give Mary Overkamp a call at 314-858-1688 for more information.

Greater North County Chamber of Commerce Golf Tournament
Despite all the rain we had a blast and proud to be a VIP Sponsor!!

National Building Safety Month
Building Safety Month is an initiative of the International Code of Council (ICC) and their 57,000 members across the world, as well as their partners in building construction and design, and the safety community. Building Safety Month is an opportunity to educate insurance and commercial property professionals, as well as the general public, on "what it takes to create safe, resilient, affordable, and energy efficient homes and buildings." according to the ICC website.